The choice is yours
“The choice is yours until it isn’t. Don’t wait until your time has passed.”
This is the message that came to me recently while meditating on the pear tree that stood mostly bare in our backyard.
All but a few precious leaves had turned and let go for the season. The last holdouts remained green (though their color slowly fading) and clinging to the outer ends of the furthest reaching branches.
Whereas the other leaves knew when their time had come and surrendered to the season, these last leaves were defying nature by resisting its call to let go. In avoiding the inevitable, these few remaining leaves were only making the letting go more difficult.
As I write this, I can feel now as I did that day the importance of this message—both for myself and others.
There are always choices we can make that will bring greater peace and ease to our lives. We always know and can often feel in our bodies when we’re resisting making those decisions.
I can vividly recall the times when I knew I was avoiding making the decision that was right for me. Like those leaves, my ego was arguing for me to hang on even though the time had come to let go.
I remember exactly what it felt like in my body. The longer I resisted the choice, the more intense the feeling of pressure building up in my body got. I felt like a pressure cooker. While my ego was trying desperately to keep the lid on and locked, my soul was upping the pressure so the lid would blow and the truth could finally get out.
Here’s the thing: I always know the choice that’s right for me. However, I will resist making and acting on that decision because my ego fears that choice is not going to be popular with or understood by others.
People pleasing vs. integrity and authenticity.
It’s an ongoing struggle, especially if you’re highly sensitive and empathic. And yet if you resist making the difficult choice, at some point, the choice will be made for you. Chances are you may not like the outcome.
The choice is always yours: You can either be the victim or the creator of your life.
When you find yourself grappling with a decision, ask yourself …
What choice am I resisting even though I know it’s the right one for me?
How could embracing and acting on that decision bring more peace and ease into my life
What’s one small step I can take to move toward the right decision? (Hint: the first question is a great first step!)
I know how hard it can be to discern the right choice. It’s difficult to hear the still, quiet voice of your souls amidst the din of your ever-chattering monkey mind. Through experience, I have discovered a way to recognize your truth, and it works any time and in any situation. You can read all about it here.